How can i cope with triggers associated with ptsd?

Answer questions about substance abuse, its symptoms, differently. Family therapy can help · Alcohol, tobacco and others. The triggers of post-traumatic stress disorder depend on the sights, sounds, or people that surround a person before or during a traumatic event. If you feel that your reactions to triggers are interfering with your life and not diminishing over time, talk to a therapist.

Recognizing triggers may require a combination of psychotherapy or observation by a psychiatrist to examine the parts of the environment that provoke an emotional response. PTSD triggers can be common in war veterans, people with substance use disorders, or people exposed to stressful environments. The triggers for post-traumatic stress disorder develop before or during a traumatic event and often include small moments or feelings that occurred before the event. While avoiding triggers may seem like a logical way to avoid reliving trauma, it's unlikely to help with PTSD symptoms in the long term.

Being able to inform others about the size of your window, your triggers and your tools allows you to have realistic expectations about what you can manage and what you should do to stay present and engaged. For people who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, the distress that follows a traumatic event can last for years, and triggers that remind the person of their trauma can cause or worsen extreme symptoms and emotions. Identifying the triggers of PTSD isn't always obvious; a person with post-traumatic stress disorder may not realize what triggers it or causes their feelings of fear or anger. The brain then associates a trigger with an imminent threat or danger; the smell, the person, or the feeling then serve as a warning signal.

People can also deal with the triggers of PTSD through peer support groups, mindfulness and relaxation strategies, or the help of an emotional support animal. When you feel motivated, write down what you were doing, your subsequent reactions and thoughts, and whether it was difficult to control your response. Even if a trigger isn't related at all to a traumatic event, the brain can create an association between the two. If you or a loved one is struggling with PTSD and are trying to cope with it through substance abuse, contact The Recovery Village today to discuss treatment options for PTSD and concurrent addiction.

While many people are well aware of what triggers them, some people, especially if they have sensory triggers, may not be sure what causes them to relive their experience. The triggers of post-traumatic stress disorder can vary depending on the type of trauma experienced and may be directly related to the trauma or to something that is apparently unrelated.

Clarissa Tohill
Clarissa Tohill

Avid beer ninja. Amateur pizza expert. Devoted analyst. Friendly coffee aficionado. Devoted coffee expert.